Twinspot Indigobird (Groenblouvinkie)

Vidua codringtoni

Zulu name: -

Other names: Zambezi Indigobird

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Twinspot Indigobird
Canon 7D
600mm focal length
1/500 sec exposure
ISO 400
March 2010 Burma Valley, Zimbabwe Adult male
Twinspot Indigobird
Canon 7D
600mm focal length
1/500 sec exposure
ISO 400
March 2010 Burma Valley, Zimbabwe Adult female
Twinspot Indigobird
Canon 40D
400mm focal length
March 2008 Burma Valley, Zimbabwe Adult male

Experiences with species

Indigobirds are most easily distinguised by their bill and leg colour combinations, although these do vary considerably. Twinspot has a white bill and orange legs. It has a greenish sheen when seen at the right angle, although this and distinguishing between orange/red and pink in the legs is not easy!